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Parent Survey Info
305 participants from South Dakota, North Dakota, and Utah.

Did your child ask you to read
'Porter the Hoarder' to them?
"My son was so excited to come home and
read the book with me. I don’t think I’ve
seen him as excited as he was that day.
Then, my 9 year old daughter read the
part of Porter while my son read the
narrative part. It was fun seeing them tag
team reading like that.

“He was super excited to read it to his
sister and read it to his sister every
day for about 2 weeks"

Did your child read
"Porter the Hoarder' more
than once?
Approximately how many total minutes did you read together the day your child received 'Porter the Hoarder'?
“They thought it was so funny &
asked us to read it multiple times.”

Is this more or less
time than you usually
spend reading together?
"We loved the book it had a lot of bigger words that would usually discourage my 7 year old but he was invested in the story enough to want to sounds them out and keep going.”
How would you gauge
your child's excitement
about reading 'Porter
the Hoarder' compared
to other books?
"Corey used to approach the idea of reading with much apprehension. He would only read because we would make him sit down and read. After the Porter the Hoarder field trip, he became much more excited to sit down and read."

Did your child make
comments about the story as you read?
“Kinsley giggled and interacted more
than any other book we've read. She
LOVES Porter'!”

Did your
child ask
while you

Did any other members of
your household participate
in reading 'Porter the
Hoarder' besides you and
your child?
“Brayden and Andrea were both very
excited about 'Porter the Hoarder'. Andrea
read the book to the whole family. Brayden helped with words she didn’t know. They talked about it all night!"
Do these individuals
usually get involved
in reading as a group?
“My son has FaceTimed and read the
book to several family members it has
been a great experience."

Would you like schools to
continue the 'Porter the
Hoarder' Project in the future?
“Caden looks forward to Porter books every year. He likes the activities that he does in school and thinks that it’s really cool he gets to bring a book home to read with everybody.”
“James loves “Look and Find” books so this was a fun new book for him to search. I think it was even cooler to him because his big brother was helping him find things.”
"We loved how
interactive the book
encouraged us to be."
"He was very excited to share it with me. He sat and read it to me and learned new words while I made dinner. He had fun with the personality of the book."
“She loved the book, and told me that we should read it again tomorrow."
"They thought it was so funny & asked us to read it multiple times.”
"When reading this book
together, it makes me happy to see my child/children laughing and making facial reactions because the book is hilarious!"
"Super cute book! Causes engagement, and at her age, it breaks up the reading by
finding the objects. She also is learning to read with emotion, and this book has a lot of emotion!"
“I never heard of the book before my child brought it home from school and now I
want to get her all the other ones. She was so engaged while we were reading it and
had so much fun!”
"Jett loves the
He laughed and
Nick Gottlob
Spearfish Elementary
Julie Hatling
Belle Fourche Elementary
Chantal Lichtenberg
Sturgis Elementary
Genine Mace
1st Grade Teacher
Belle Fourche Elementary
Sandy Crown
1st Grade Teacher
Hermosa Elementary
Troy Volesky
Douglas Elementary
Kayla Klein
United Way of the Black Hills |
Black Hills Reads
Keri James
1st Grade Teacher
Horace Mann Elementary
Barb Paulson
Custer Elementary
Samantha Miller
Edgemont, SD
Megan Lougheed
1st Grade Teacher
Robbinsdale Elementary
Cheryl Barker
1st Grade Teacher
Canyon Lake Elementary
Megan Steiger
1st Grade Teacher
Horace Mann Elementary
Michelle Watland
Lead School Counselor
Custer Elementary
Casey Kieffer
1st Grade Teacher
Piedmont Elementary
Pam Koller
1st Grade Teacher
Edgemont SD
Samantha Mason
1st Grade Teacher
Robbinsdale Elementary
Myrna Westby
Special Education Teacher
Rapid City School District
Elizabeth Frith
1st Grade Teacher
Lead-Deadwood Elementary
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